Saturday, April 22

Featured Spotlight (Pic)

This is Coleman. I have not done a featured spotlight in quite some time so I figured I would start again with one of my best friends.

I have known Coleman for about 3 and a half years. When I first started Lander University, I took some summer courses the summer before I entered Lander at Lander in a program called Summer School. haha...

Anyway, Coleman was in one of my classes and happen to live in the same apartment complex as I did, at Lide. My first impressions of him were less than horrible, and I did not like him at all. He was lazy, never went to class, did drugs, smoked, drank, etc...

He was a bad kid and I try not to associate myself with that kind of stuff. The times he did come to class were quite interesting. The class consisted of about 5 or 6 people. When the teach asked questions, he would not know the answer, and when I was asked the same question and get it right, he would mock me. I ignored him many a time.

One day we spoke during one of the many water balloon fights that the complex had and he told me that I cracked him up in class. I was thinking he was being a smartass, and responded back in a sarcastic manner. I still didn't like him. That didn't start to change until later...

To Be Continued...

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