Sunday, August 13

Windows Live Writer

To go along with the collection of "Live" programs Microsoft is spitting out, Microsoft just launched Windows Live Writer today. This is a free, downloadable application that runs on your Windows PC and allows you to write blog posts (Like this one!). Don’t bother clicking the link if you have a Mac, this is Windows PC software only.

Since most blogging tools are web based and not all allow WYSIWYG editing (what you see iswhat you get), Windows Live Writer will be useful for some writers looking for a faster, easier way to post to blogs.

Windows Live Writer has a lot of bells and whistles - preview in WYSIWYG or HTML mode, support for most blogging platforms (Windows Live Spaces, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, WordPress and others), easy insertion of photos and things like Maps, and tagging. Good stuff, but none of it differentiates it from existing year old products. What does differentiate Live Writer is that they’ve released an API that allows developers to extend the capabilities of the software to publish additional content types.

Too bad that, like Google and Picasa, Microsoft has ignored the Mac platform.

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