Friday, December 29

Will It Rain?

Next to digital photo frames, one of the most common products in gadget catalogs is the weather forecaster, but this trumps them all: an umbrella that tells you if it's going to rain!

The "Ambient Forecasting Umbrella" has an LED light built into the handle that pulses when it detects chances of showers according to an automatic AccuWeather feed.

My question is, Why?? I don't know about you all, but the only time I look at my umbrella is when I look out and see that it is raining. Otherwise, it is in the closet waiting on the next rainy day. I'll admit, it is a very cool device. I'm sure I would get a lot of stares as I walked with a glowing umbrella.

If you are interested, do a search for it. I'm not quite sure of the price, but I'm sure it is ridicules.

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