Monday, March 17

Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy

I have not done this before, but I would like to recommend a book. The book is very fascinating, and if you like change and technology, you will like this book. I was able to read part of the book online, and before I finished, I wanted to recommend it to the readers of What's newS. Not only does it talk about change in the economy, but it also talks about change in the economy because of technology. Essentially, this is a tech site, and so I thought it might be of some interest to you all.

Blur implores readers to accept and embrace the reality of "blur" in their business and personal lives. The book was written by two futurist named, Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer. The book argues that the meltdown of traditional boundaries is changing the way business is done. In the new "blurred" economy, boundaries are eliminated and adaptability is essential for survival. The lines between buyer and seller, product and service, employee and entrepreneur are blurred beyond recognition. Hence the name, Blur...

The authors blame the Internet as one of the best ways to do business today, but they never address the issue of privacy. Web sites take extra security measures to ensure privacy, but many consumers are still skittish about putting their credit card numbers online.

So far the book is pretty informative. Granted, it was released in 1998, and although it is now 2008 and the book differs in what was likely to happen, the fact remains that the economy does change, and technology is the culprit and will always be until the end of time. Unfortunately, the book is leaving many unanswered questions that hopefully will be answered as I am nearing the end. Nevertheless, I would suggest you all keep an eye out for more books by the two futurist.

If you would like to get your hand on a copy of the book, go to your local library, or buy it online here. It is only $.01!

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