Wednesday, April 16

Win A MacBook Air!

My counterpart - The Tech Brief - has partnered with SugarSync to provide a great opportunity. A chance to win a MacBook Air! If I could, I would definitely enter to win. The MacBook Air is the smallest laptop in the world. The Macintosh notebook computer is produced by Apple. It is part of the MacBook family and features an optional solid-state hard drive.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs revealed the MacBook Air at the Macworld Conference & Expo on January 15, 2008. It weighs 3.0 pounds and is 0.76 inches thick at its thickest point and 0.16 inches at its thinnest, making it the thinnest notebook currently in production. The computer has a 13.3-inch, widescreen LED backlit display, with 1280 x 800 screen resolution.

There you have it, but there is more. Not only do you get a chance to win an amazing laptop, but you also get a chance to use one of the best backup solutions to date on your new laptop. SugarSync is amazing.

"SugarSync is a service from Sharpcast that allows you to sync and access your files and media from anywhere - on different computers, on the web, even on your mobile phone. SugarSync securely backs up all your computers online and synchronizes them automatically so you always have access to your files. Best of all, SugarSync takes care of everything automatically in the background, so you never have to make backups or email files to yourself. Say goodbye to CD burning and emailing files to yourself; say hello to SugarSync.”

Be sure to check out my review here. SugarSync is currently out of beta and ready to sync away. So what are you waiting for, go ahead and enter to win NOW!

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