Wednesday, August 30

Miles Per Dollar

Mile Per Gallon (MPG)? Nah!
Try Miles Per Dollar (MPD)!

I have always wanted to know how much money I save or loose when driving my car. MPG is, of course, good to know, but I find that MPD is even better for me. I just found a website that will calculate the MPD for you. All you have to do is enter in your gas costs in your area, then your car's MPG. It will then display your MPD.

My new car I just got last Wednesday has a MPG of 28 and the gas costs around here are around $2.50, so my MPD is $11.20 which isn't too bad. You are also able to calculate your travel costs. If you, like myself, travel great distances to work or anywhere else, you can see how much it cost for a trip there as well as a round trip.

Try it out. It would hurt to know how much you are spending or saving.

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