Wednesday, June 18

Cast A Halo Upon Your Art

As someone who apprciates the the arts that surround us, I can empathize with anyone who struggles to find the perfect lighting to highlight their brilliant masterpieces. The Halo Lamp by Sander Muller offers a seriously good looking solution to this problem with the Halo Lamp.

Bask your eyes upon this artistic/futuristic piece of furniture. Because there is a circular ring of light and no bulb, it minimizes any annoying shadows that might interfere with your work. "This 'holy' light has no light bulb; instead the entire inside of the hood itself emits light. This makes for a functional light with a minimal yet intriguing visual impact."

It is beautifully designed and exhorbantly priced. As someone who also knows how expensive art can be and the expesive equipment that can go along with it, this lamp will cost an "artistic" penny to buy, especially since it is custom made

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