Thursday, February 28

Mysterious Mouse Released {Updated}

There are a thousands mice (computer mice) out there that do the same thing and are made to do the same thing also, so what is a good way to persuade a consumer to purchase "your" mouse? Make it different! Out of the thousands of mice available, I would think it would be somewhat hard to be innovative. Wrong! Just when I thought the mouse has had its stopping point as far as cosmetics, an unknown maker has created "The Light."

"The Light" looks as though it is a corded mouse, probably making it a gaming mouse for the thousands of World of Warcraft players out there. Nothing is known about the mouse and if you happen to venture over to the site, you'll find you are still left in the dark, only to see a clip of the mouse that is not even a second long and a countdown in which the mouse will be released (March 4).

You are able to sign up to be notified of the release, or you can keep checking the website. As of now, we currently have 5 days to see what this thing does.

If you haven't taken a peak at the website yet, the mouse has been released. If you are a gamer, you might want to take a look here to see the features. Supposedly one of the fastest mice in the world. Let me know how that goes? Looks pretty cool...

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